Monday, March 28, 2011

Getting Uncomfortable

I can't tell you how frustrating it is when I hear someone complain about an area in their life when they have all the power to change those circumstances. They go on and on with their woes but they won't do a damn thing about it. Know why? They are comfortable.
Despite all their moaning and groaning, they are comfortable. Look around you and I promise you will see examples of this everyday. Employees who whine about their job but never make an effort to look for a new job; They have become comfortable with their low wages and predictable routine.
Folks who are out of shape and struggle to walk a flight of stairs but never make an attempt to exercise and take care of themselves; They are comfortable with sitting on their butt in front of the TV while watching The Biggest Loser.
People who smoke and complain that about the price of cigarettes but never even consider quitting. They are comfortable with their smelling like an ash tray.
I could go on but I think you get the point.
In a world of complaining and projecting our failures to an external source we remain in our comfort zones, willing to blame anything and everything for our shortcomings because we know that in order to change we need to be willing to work for it. And that's UNcomfortable.
"But it's so haaaarrrdd to change Tommy." (insert whiny voice over)
Yes it is hard to change. It's easy to stay comfortable and go nowhere and accomplish little to nothing.
It's hard to be successful. It takes work. To remain comfortable requires the minimum amount of effort.
When we get uncomfortable we move, we readjust, we change our positions.
In life, in order to make any changes we need to get uncomfortable.
We need to invest our time and energy into new skill sets and look into new career paths if we want to find that perfect job.We need to get on the treadmill and move and sweat if we want to shake off some extra pounds. We need to feel the pain of withdrawal if we want to quit smoking.
We need to be uncomfortable. Discomfort not only gets your butt out of your La-Z-Boy, it begets confidence, growth and creativity. You can't achieve any of these until you get up a move. You can make up all the goals you want and talk about all the things you need to do but you cannot and will not accomplish anything until you become uncomfortable with your comfortable way of living. Setting goals is great but achieving them will always require that you do something that goes outside of your comfort zone.
Nobody accomplished anything with a La-Z-Boy attached to their butt.
What's it going to be for you today? What's one thing that will make you a little uncomfortable but will more than likely pay off for the better? It doesn't have to be difficult. It can be getting up 15 minutes earlier in the morning to exercise. It can be spending 10 minutes on your lunch break reading a good book on self improvement. It can be taking a walk after dinner instead of watching Dancing With The Stars.
See? It can be as easy as that.
Write me and let me know what you did once you became uncomfortable. 
Now, get to work and do something!

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