Success. This is a word that gets a lot of mileage these days. More often than not we use it to describe the culmination of something that goes in our favor. For instance, we consider it a success if we find a pair of jeans on sale that are actually in our size. We consider it a success if we find a ten dollar bill in our coat pocket (which was probably left there since last winter). We consider it a success if traffic is lighter than usual. We consider it a success when we’re standing in line at the grocery store and suddenly another cashier opens up the lane next to us. Just like that we go from last in line to first in line. Does it get any better than this?
So how do you define Success? What does Success mean to you? Is it raising your kids to be healthy, well-adjusted adults? Is it earning a specific amount of money? Is it getting in and out of the grocery store in less than 15 minutes? Is it simply being able to do what you want, when you want, with whom you want, where you want, and how you want?
No matter how you define success, there appears to be a common theme through it all - Success equals happiness. I know, I know, it seems pretty odd that I’m actually going to write an article on how Success makes us happy. The funny thing is, you’re actually reading it.
Now before you go thinking, “Wow, he really IS rusty! He’s writing articles about how to be happy.”, just promise me you’ll read on, because it’s not as basic as it sounds.
But then again.... maybe it is.
I got to thinking the other day about how often we complicate our lives. When it comes to success, we think that it is this unattainable, complex, difficult to reach mirage that lies just above the clouds, clutched by the gods and bestowed upon the fortunate few who have either sold their souls or their first born into the service of the darkest of cults. We think our neighbors have it so much better than us because, after all, they have a three car garage and a nicer yard. We think that our co-workers have the secret to success all figured out because they got a raise, and, my-oh-my, did you see the shoes she’s wearing? Must have cost $200!!!
We look around and everywhere we turn we find ourselves playing the comparison game, wanting everything that everyone else has, and convincing ourselves that what we have is inferior. After all, they must be more successful than me to be able to have such nice things.
But is that what success really is? Keeping up with the Jones’s? Gauging our success based on what others have is no way to live. Oh, and in case you haven’t noticed, the Jones’s just maxed out their fourth credit card and because of the financial strain they have imposed upon themselves, they have to see a therapist. Is that what you want for yourself? Is that the kind of success you want? (hint - the correct answer is no.)
Even though the word Success gets tossed around A LOT, and even though many of us gauge our own success based upon what others have, and even though we can complicate our lives so easily by chasing after all the wrong things, and even though most peoples ideas of success usually equate to material gain, success is not as bland or as elusive or as materialistic as we think. In fact success is simply... simple.
At least, it’s as simple as we want it to be.
Let me explain. In life, it’s natural to want stuff. I want stuff, you want stuff, we all want stuff. Some of this stuff is superficial (think the latest, greatest electronic gizmos), and some of it is genuine and considerate (think world peace and charity). But regardless of what we want, the question is how are we going to acquire that which we want? Wanting the stuff is easy, and for some it’s just as easy to acquire the stuff by either going into debt, hurting or neglecting someone in the process, or just out and out taking it without any consideration to future implications. And that’s where we complicate and make a mess of our lives. Simply put, we didn’t have a plan to get what we wanted. Instead, we acted on impulse when something struck our fancy, and then when the moment passed, we were left with a mess (think debt, loss of time, and wrong prioritization to name a few).
Success is not about what a person gains or acquires. It is about achievement. It is about saying what you’re going to do and then doing what you said. It is about having a plan and sticking to that plan until you achieve the end objective. It can be about acquiring something but it should never come about with going into debt or harming someone else in the process. It can be about getting from point A to point B within a certain time frame, or it can be about losing a few unwanted pounds. It can be about reaching out to a long lost friend or it can be about investing more time into your current relationships. It can be as simple as getting up fifteen minutes earlier in the morning to exercise or as insignificant as taking two minutes on your lunch break to set up an appointment for a haircut. As long as you make a plan and achieve what you set out to do, you are successful. Congratulations!
Look I know that there will be some who read this and think, “Oh great. He’s reducing success to its lowest common denominator.” Yes!! That’s exactly what I’m doing here. So many people feel less than successful in life because they have this predisposed notion that success is only about achieving great big things. Either you Climb Mount Everest or find a cure for Cancer, or you’re not successful. I disagree. I think success is as simple as planning a time to cut your toenails and then living up to that plan. I think success is as simple as setting your alarm for 5:00a.m., and then getting up at 5:00a.m. without hitting snooze three times. Success is simple. Success needs to be simple otherwise, yes, there would only be few select people on this planet who can lay claim to being successful.
All you need in order to be successful is to start with a plan. Take the time to write down your goals and make a plan to achieve them. It’s that simple. If your goal is to earn more money this year than last year, then what is your plan? Are you going to take on a second job? Are you going to look for a better paying job than the one you have right now? What ever the solution, just make a plan and stick to it. Is your goal to weigh five pounds less in thirty days? Then make a plan. Will it be to eat healthier? To exercise more? To do both? Make a plan and stick to it.
Success is not complicated. Make a plan and do it. Say what you’re going to do and do what you said. Keep your goals small at first if you need to get some momentum going, but don’t stop there. Once you get a taste for success, you’ll find that there are few areas in your life that can’t stand a little improvement. Whatever those improvements might be, just make a plan and then do it. It really is that simple.
And what about that equation I spoke of earlier? Remember? Success equals happiness? Well, just you go ahead and tell me that after a few of your goals have been achieved that you aren’t happier for it. Just you try and tell me that feeling good about yourself leads to misery and depression. Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it? That’s because it is. Generally speaking, when we achieve our goals, we feel more confident and optimistic. We feel less like the bug and more like the windshield. We carry a sense of pride, a healthy sense of pride, that is. And why shouldn’t we? Maybe we didn’t climb Mount Everest, but so what. We achieved our goals. We are successful.
So what is it that you need to make a plan for? Grab a pen and paper and get to writing all the things you want to achieve. Plan it out and then get to work. Success is all inclusive and we’re all here waiting for you to join in with us.
Tommy Wittig
© 2012 T-Dub-Ya Words
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