Friday, April 8, 2011

Get Rich Slow!

How many of you want to be rich? Great!
So what are you doing about it?
Look at that, not even two sentences in and I am going into the "Personal Responsibility" spiel.
Before you start to moan and groan about the fact that, once again, you need to work in order to get what you want in this life, let me remind you that when it comes to "Rich", very few will ever experience it. And even fewer will get rich quick. Ask any Millionaire and they will tell you it all came from hard work, long hours and lots of sweat.
Those who became rich quickly either won the lottery or cashed in on a windfall of some sort. For those of you who play the lottery in hopes of achieving great wealth, you are idiots. Your odds of winning the "Big One" are as good as the odds of getting hit by lightening on a beautiful sunny afternoon. I don't really care if you want to waste your money on lottery tickets, that's your decision. But if you're running down to your local convenience store and dropping your Government Assistance Check on the next Powerball drawing, then you are an idiot AND a leech on society. Get off of your butt and get a job!! Able-bodied individuals taking handouts from the Government, and then gambling with them, should be ashamed of themselves.
For the individual holding out for Gramma or Grampa or Momma and Papa to kick the bucket so they can cash in on the will, you are an idiot. A selfish, self-centered, evil idiot.
The mindset here has been exaggerated by Hollywood in a number of films but the reality is there are people out there who, though they won't admit it, are doing the bare minimum with their lives while waiting on the lump of cash that's "Entitled" to them from the passing of their parents or relatives. This not only makes me angry but physically ill. Again, shame on you.
While getting rich is something that most would not object to being, there is still the hurdle of the "How" in getting rich. For most, "Rich" isn't something that just happens to them (unless they are born into great wealth). As I said, ask any Millionaire or anyone with abundance, and they will tell you it was hard work. There's that word again: Work.
Few things ever come easy and wealth is certainly one of the hardest things to obtain because we simply don't want to sacrifice and put in the effort and energy to achieve great amounts of it.
But that's just it; if you want wealth, you have to get rid of something else. You have to give something up in order get something else.
Example - you want more money? You have Give Up TV Time in order to Get A Second Job.
Money is not complicated and neither is wealth, but so many of us sacrifice our tomorrow's success for today's ease. We risk little and receive little. So many times I hear the grumblings of those who have very little ripping apart those who have very much. The overall impression is that the Rich are evil, insidious individuals who sold their own mother out in order to obtain their wealth. Very seldom do I hear someone say, "I admire that person for working so hard to obtain their wealth. I want to model their example and do the same."
"Rich" carries a lot of negative connotations and yet, everyone of us still wants to be rich. Am I the only one who thinks this nuts?
It isn't until the rubber meets the road that those of us who WANT to be rich and those of us who WILL be rich, part company.
Those of us who will be rich will also be the ones who will work harder than ever before. They will sacrifice, they will have less free time, they will be busy learning new things, reading books, listening to experts and modeling their mentors. They will lose sleep, they will go to seminars, they will invest their money wisely, they will have a focus on the future with very specific and written goals.
In other words, they will work hard. And it will take time to achieve their goals. It won't happen quickly.
Don't be fooled by anything out there that says "Get rich quick!"
Get Rich Quick schemes will leave you broke. Remember the old saying "If it's too good to be true, it probably is."
Turn your attention to creating some very specific goals. Set your mind to achieving those goals and don't let anything prevent you from your goals. Ask yourself at every choice and decision you need to make, "Is this going to bring me closer to my goal who will it take me farther from my goal?"
Prepare to invest your time and effort into your achievements. And another thing - don't let anyone tell you that all you need is a positive mindset and you can have anything you want.
Bull. You cannot have ANYTHING you want with a positive mindset alone. A positive mindset has to be coupled with good old fashioned hard work to take you to your destination.
Those of you who feel you can become rich by simply "Expecting" to become rich are also living in a fantasy world and you're probably buying those "secret" books that are simply lying to you while taking your money. Congratulations, you just made the author rich but you didn't do a damn thing for yourself.
Get rich slowly. Work your butt off and find your uniqueness. Use that uniqueness in the betterment of others. Bill Gates & Steve Jobs discovered a way to make home computing simple and affordable. Look at the many benefits they have provided for others. They worked hard and now they are very wealthy.
That's just one example of what can be achieved. The formula for success is simple. It always will be.

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