Friday, April 15, 2011

What's On Your Mind?

It's been said that thinking is the greatest torture in the world for most people and I can honestly say, I believe that to be true. One of the biggest keys to success is the ability to think, yet look around and you will see people who all but exist on this planet with absolutely no desire to think about their actions, their future or others for that matter.
They go to a job that asks very little of them and then they complain because they are paid very little. They demand higher wages yet when the boss asks them to come up with suggestions or solutions that could lead to improvements they are incapable of thinking of new ideas. The very notion of having to think of something original leaves them scared and helpless.
Go to any shopping mall and within ten minutes you will witness the absolute zenith of non-thinking. People who willingly hand over their maxed out Credit Cards to store clerks in order to purchase another item that they don't need, all because the item was on sale for 20% off. If they were able to think it through, they would see that the 20% they saved, won't help them out when the other 80% winds up on their Credit Card at 19% interest. Combine that with the fact that the likelihood of them paying off that Card when the bill comes due is slim to freakin' none, they'll most likely be paying for that Deal Of A Lifetime Item for another 5 years. So much for saving 20%.
For many, thinking is something they want to be told how to do. And that's okay. The world needs Box Movers too.
Wake up people. You can no longer afford not to think for yourself. This is where the Personal Responsibility slant comes in by the way. Take responsibility for your actions, your future and yes take responsibility for the way you treat others. You are not here to drift along aimlessly with no thought, no care and no responsibility. Cultivate an awareness of where you are what you are doing each moment of your waking day. Everything you do will bring consequences, either good or bad, so take the time to think things through. Have a plan, have a goal. Even if you're doing nothing more than going to the store for a gallon of milk, think it through.
And since everything in life has to be balanced, let me be the first to say, that over thinking can be just as bad, if not worse, then not thinking at all. Over thinkers have a tremendous talent for getting nothing done while still seemingly busy. All that time invested into planning and thinking and studying and thinking and discussing and thinking gets nothing accomplished. It wastes my time and yours.
Balance it out. Be a thinker. Educate yourself. Create your very own opinions and priorities in life and learn to express them without harming others in the process.
Learn to think while on the job. Don't wait to be told what to do. Cultivate that awareness and think of ways to improve your job and the company you work for. Thinking leads to initiative, and initiative, if practiced over and over, will ultimately pay off.
Your brain is a muscle and the only way you can keep it in shape is to use it. Keep your mind sharp and you will see all those limitations in your life begin to diminish. Thoughts lead to actions and actions lead to results. The results you desire are obtained solely based on your ability to just think.

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