Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Who's Raising Your Kids?

Parents are on the alert! They are crying out against marketers who are pushing sexuality onto our young teenagers (aka, “tweens”). These parents are claiming that suggestive marketing is pressuring our precious little girls to grow up faster than they need to. They say our helpless little girls have no power over these dark forces and are falling victim to peer pressure without the ability to decipher right from wrong.
Is it just me or is it completely backwards that these parents are crying out against the evil media while they should be spending more time with their kids? On an average, parents spend about 3 minutes a day in actual conversation with their kids. Is it any wonder that our kids are turning to other sources for direction? Parents keep allowing their kids to be raised by the Television as opposed to spending real quality time with them, but they become outraged when their kids begin to emulate what they are seeing.
Here’s an idea; if you have a problem with the media influencing your kids, turn of the TV and start having actual human contact with your kids. Why don’t you set the example of how they should live as opposed to them learning it from the Kardashians? Why don’t you teach them the difference between right and wrong as opposed to them getting it from another rerun of Married with Children?
These are your kids people. Not your cat or your dog or your fish. Your children. These are the people who get to run this country and vote and take care of you when you’re old. Do you want your children to be mindless idiots or do you want them to be thinking, contributing adults someday? Do you want a relationship with your children or do you just want them to grow up and move out?
The choice is yours. If the media have their sights set on your children, turn off the TV and interact with your kids. Be the parents.
They need you. And the day is going to come, when you’ll need them.

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