Saturday, April 9, 2011

I Feel Good!

"The real secret to success is to feel happy every second"

Law of Attraction

I came across this quote and after I finished gagging, I decided that I need to do some bubble bursting. I know there is a mindset that says "feeling good" is all that matters. Sorry, but to that I say bull crap. Success is seldom about feeling GOOD. Success is generated by hard work. And for those of us who have come to an end of "feeling good", we realize we have been nothing more than irresponsible, done stupid things, made dumb mistakes and basically created a giant mess of our lives. So much for feeling good. If you want true success, you're going to have to feel pretty bad before you're going to feel good. You're going to have to shed some tears, feel some epic remorse and get busy turning things around. Only after we feel bad about ourselves and take responsibility for ourselves do we ever accomplish any success for ourselves. I am not saying we need to carry our burdens around and live in a perpetual state of penance, but I am saying we need to face our mistakes. Living an irresponsible life of care free, feel good indulgences will only lead to destruction. Congratulations to you if you woke up and realized your folly. Be angry with yourself, feel ashamed. But then, get over it and move on. Work on fixing your mess, create a goal and get busy. If you can stick it out you will reap the benefits of your labor. At that point, you can look at yourself and say, "I feel good!"

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