Monday, November 14, 2011

Comes To Pass

In life you're going to have problems and challenges. Life is not fair and seldom is it ever easy.

But there's one thing I know - the only way to GET through your problems is to GO through them.

You will be frightened and it will require you to get very uncomfortable. But don't let that stop you. These emotions are the nemesis to your success. While you may not be able to avoid the emotions, you still must take the action required in spite of the emotions. Do it afraid, do it angry, or do it uncomfortably. Just do it.

Remember what it says in the Bible? "And it came to pass."

To make it Pass, you gotta go through it and get it behind you. You can only achieve that by going forward - through it.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Going Through It

The University of Life never ceases to amaze me. I am convinced that there is no better Teacher than life's experiences and if you're willing to slow down, look around, and humble yourself you will position yourself to succeed where many others will fail.

Today's lesson is simply this; you cannot get through the tough times if you aren't willing to go through the tough times.