Thursday, March 31, 2011

Success - Reprise

Still stinging from the cold hard reality of what it takes to be successful? Smarting from the realization that there are no pills, creams or magic spells that will bring you instant success?
Good. I want you to be agitated. I want you to be angry. I want you to say "He's a jerk. What makes him such an authority?"
I may not be an authority but I do have experience. Need more than that? Okay.
I used to be out of shape. I exercise daily, now I am in shape. I can run a mile easily and thanks to Yoga I can bend myself in ways that would make a pretzel jealous. There was a time I didn't know music theory. I learned music theory and now I can play guitar, drums a little bass and a little keyboards. I'm in a band with a great group of people for Church as well as for fun and gigs on the side. I thought I understood money and finances. I began reading books about money and finances and realized I knew very little about how to manage money and finances. Now my wife and I have very specific goals in place for reducing our debt, cutting out needless spending and investing our money in multiple retirement and savings accounts. It's called a budget.
All of these examples are the results of a willingness to learn more and to do more. Nothing ever gets better until YOU get better. But you have to be willing to get better.
Again, none of this stuff is complicated or new. It's all very much common sense coupled with hard work. Your lack of success is your fault. If you are willing to do whatever it takes to improve your circumstances, you will improve your circumstances. If you want to keep getting what you're getting then you'll keep doing what you're doing. You'll say you don't have the time or the energy to learn anything new because it's too hard and takes too long. That's fine. That's your decision. But please, do the rest of us who are working hard and taking control of our circumstances a favor and stop whining to us about your poor, miserable life. Nobody wants to hear a capable, able bodied adult complaining about the cold cruel world we live in while so many others with circumstances even more difficult than yours are achieving great success.
Believe me, there is a part of me that would love to come up with something new and exciting in the realm of obtaining instant success but it would only breed more laziness, neglect and disregard from the recipient. Nothing worth having is free. The harder you work for it the more you appreciate and value what you have earned.
So let me ask one more time; are you ready to be more successful? Are you WILLING to be more successful? Are you able to be more successful?
Great! Now let's get to work.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Are you ready to be successful? Are you willing to be successful? Are you able to be successful? I'll bet you are ready and able but let's talk about willing. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to be more successful than you have ever been? I'm not talking about robbing a bank or creating a Ponzi Scheme. I'm talking about the willingness to work harder than you ever have to achieve what you never have. (That's good, I'm gonna have to copyright that one.)
Success isn't complicated. For most of us searching for that better tomorrow, ready and able are not the reasons we fail. It's the willing part that gets in our way.
Willing to turn the TV off and invest your time in reading a book that will educate you? Willing to get up earlier in the morning and start your day with some exercise? Willing to leave your friends behind if they are preventing you from reaching your goals? Willing to actually create a goal?? Yep that's right. Creating goals is work. Are you willing to do that or would you rather bounce around without any direction?
Let's simplify this even more. Are you willing to work? Success seldom comes to anyone who isn't willing to work. If I asked you "Do you want to be rich and famous?" you'd probably say "Yes."
If I asked you "Are you willing to work extremely hard in order to be rich and famous?"
That's what I thought.
We all want the success but few of us want the sweat and sacrifice that goes into it. The willingness to give up everything and anything that prevents you from reaching your goals is frightening but it's necessary. You can be ready and able but without willing you're going nowhere.
Life is not made up of the "Haves" and the "Have Nots"; life is made up of the "Wills" and the "Will Nots".
Remember this isn't new stuff. In fact if you were to tell me "Tommy, you're not saying anything new here." I'd say "Thanks! You're right."
The old stuff works. Our Grandparents knew it, our parents knew it and we should know it. Hard work is inevitable on the journey to success. Set your goals, know what you need to do and be willing to go to work.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Talk Is Cheap

Don't tell me what you want to do. If all you have done your whole life is talk a good talk, but failed to cash in on any of it, then your words are empty and you really don't mean what you say.
Show me. Seeing is believing. Tell me what you are going to do and then do it and you will have my absolute support. Keep talking the talk without the walk and I'll be the one who does the walking. Far away from you that is.
Words without actions are dead.
"When all is said and done, more is said than done." - Larry Winget
Staying positive and saying all the right things only goes so far. If you really want change in your life then you have to take action.
Now shut up and get busy.

Philosophically Speaking

I love it when I get asked “What’s your philosophy?” Many people would relish in the opportunity to go on and on about what they believe and why the rest of the world is wrong for believing otherwise. I prefer to keep my answer simple (which is part of my philosophy). When I answer this question in one short sentence, it usually leaves people guessing as to how a person can strip life down to such basic terms and still function in this great big complicated world we’ve created. (By the way, that’s sarcasm.)
So what is my philosophy? Work hard, take responsibility and keep it simple.
“That’s it?”
Yep. That’s it. Now there are a lot of people who would love to say “Um, hey, I knew this guy when he was more like ‘Be lazy, avoid responsibility and make things complicated.’”
 And they would be right. There was a time when that was how I lived. Not that I didn’t meet my obligations, but I did a lot of stupid things and made a lot of horrible choices. Many that have hurt others. Some that have alienated others. And a few that were just so awful I don’t even want bring them up. The past is the past and there is nothing I can do now except live with the results and consequences of my past choices and lack of responsibility. But not too long ago I realized I need to change. I need to be better. Know how I will achieve that? By working hard, taking responsibility and keeping things simple.
That’s my philosophy. The more you read from me the more you will see this mantra rearing itself through everything I talk about. In a day and age where Common Sense is something that exists in name only, I will bring everyday topics for daily living and improvement to the table and wrap it all up in personal responsibility and simplistic terms. I’m not going to solve every problem that exists and I’m not going to make you rich and famous. I will however get you a little riled up and a little agitated. You might even think I’m a jerk or a charlatan just trying to get people to follow me for my own glory and gain.
It doesn’t matter what you think of me and I’m not here to be your best buddy. I’m here because I saw the failures in my life and now I’m going to turn my downfalls into an upswing. If I can help anyone avoid some of the mistakes I’ve made then my purpose is fulfilled. I will be the guy to say it like it is and hopefully get you to rethink things in more simplistic, common sense terms.
Need an example? Trying to lose some weight? Go for walk and eat a little less than you normally do. Walking is great exercise, burns a lot of calories and doesn’t require a Gym Membership. Eating less is a good thing especially in light of the fact that the average American consumes approximately 3000 calories a day. That’s 500 more calories than required for a typical male and about 1200 more than is required for the typical female. Again, save some money and buy less food. You won’t starve to death.
Too simplistic? Then I challenge you to try this approach out for a month and jump on the scale. Tell me I’m wrong.
But that’s what I’m set on. Simple, common sense terms for all areas of daily living and with a little patience and little perseverance results will follow. I have already set my own agenda’s into motion and I’ve seen results in my own life. You can too.
So if you’re new to my world, welcome aboard! The more the merrier. Keep tuning in and I promise we can make changes for the better. Together. And maybe we can have a little fun along the way. But just remember one thing; I am not a motivational speaker, teacher or writer. I prefer “Instigational”. I want you to get uncomfortable and I want you to realize it doesn’t take a Bachelor’s Degree to be successful. All you need to be is determined.
Now get to work, take responsibility and for God’s sake, keep it simple.

Monday, March 28, 2011

What? Me Worry? - Common Sense For The Evening

"What you don't see with your eyes, don't invent with your tongue." - Jewish Proverb.
Worry. We all do it. And don't you just hate it when people tell you "Don't worry about it."?
As if they even have a clue as to what is weighing on your mind. But did you ever stop to think about your worries? I mean REALLY think about them? What is it that's got you so consumed with dread and fear that you can't eat, can't sleep, can't concentrate on anything? Is the object of your worry a real, tangible thing that you can grasp or is it nothing more than what you THINK will happen? I am willing to bet your worry is your perception of a POSSIBILITY that has not yet happened, and your lack of confidence in your ability to deal with the perceived situation.
Let's break it down even further; Websters definition of worry - "to afflict with mental distress or agitation : make anxious."
Why on earth would anyone want to afflict themselves with mental distress or agitation? Would you allow me to walk behind you all day long saying things like "You're never going to have enough money. You're always going to be a loser. You'll never meet someone who will ever love you. You'll never lose any weight. You'll never amount to anything." 
Your answer had better be a resounding NO! In fact the very thought of this scenario should make you say "That's ridiculous. No one would ever allow themselves to be treated that way."
Yet thousands of people go through their days worrying about things they cannot control, situations that haven't occurred, and things that are long gone into the past. So really, they might as well have someone breathing down their back all day because it's no different.
Now go back and re-read the little proverb I quoted at the top. 
When worry starts to creep in and take over your thoughts don't be the one to give it any power by speaking about it or dwelling on it. No, I am not saying you shouldn't reach for help when there is a legitimate problem that you need to face. In that circumstance you know I will be the first one to tell you take responsibility and the proper action to tackle the problem. I am talking about worry. Remember? The perceived threat or fear of something that has not yet happened? That's worry.
And I hate to break it to you but no one wants to hear it. If it's a legitimate problem, get some help, take responsibility and do something about it. If it's an irrational fear (AKA - worry) stop giving it power over your life and realize it for what it is. A perceived threat. Not a real threat. A perceived threat. And no one likes to be around a worry wart.
Let your imaginations be of credit to you. Turn your imaginations around and let them be creative and constructive as opposed to crippling and destructive.
"Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere."  - Glenn Turner
So there you have it. Now get over yourself and don't worry about it!

Getting Uncomfortable

I can't tell you how frustrating it is when I hear someone complain about an area in their life when they have all the power to change those circumstances. They go on and on with their woes but they won't do a damn thing about it. Know why? They are comfortable.
Despite all their moaning and groaning, they are comfortable. Look around you and I promise you will see examples of this everyday. Employees who whine about their job but never make an effort to look for a new job; They have become comfortable with their low wages and predictable routine.
Folks who are out of shape and struggle to walk a flight of stairs but never make an attempt to exercise and take care of themselves; They are comfortable with sitting on their butt in front of the TV while watching The Biggest Loser.
People who smoke and complain that about the price of cigarettes but never even consider quitting. They are comfortable with their smelling like an ash tray.
I could go on but I think you get the point.
In a world of complaining and projecting our failures to an external source we remain in our comfort zones, willing to blame anything and everything for our shortcomings because we know that in order to change we need to be willing to work for it. And that's UNcomfortable.
"But it's so haaaarrrdd to change Tommy." (insert whiny voice over)
Yes it is hard to change. It's easy to stay comfortable and go nowhere and accomplish little to nothing.
It's hard to be successful. It takes work. To remain comfortable requires the minimum amount of effort.
When we get uncomfortable we move, we readjust, we change our positions.
In life, in order to make any changes we need to get uncomfortable.
We need to invest our time and energy into new skill sets and look into new career paths if we want to find that perfect job.We need to get on the treadmill and move and sweat if we want to shake off some extra pounds. We need to feel the pain of withdrawal if we want to quit smoking.
We need to be uncomfortable. Discomfort not only gets your butt out of your La-Z-Boy, it begets confidence, growth and creativity. You can't achieve any of these until you get up a move. You can make up all the goals you want and talk about all the things you need to do but you cannot and will not accomplish anything until you become uncomfortable with your comfortable way of living. Setting goals is great but achieving them will always require that you do something that goes outside of your comfort zone.
Nobody accomplished anything with a La-Z-Boy attached to their butt.
What's it going to be for you today? What's one thing that will make you a little uncomfortable but will more than likely pay off for the better? It doesn't have to be difficult. It can be getting up 15 minutes earlier in the morning to exercise. It can be spending 10 minutes on your lunch break reading a good book on self improvement. It can be taking a walk after dinner instead of watching Dancing With The Stars.
See? It can be as easy as that.
Write me and let me know what you did once you became uncomfortable. 
Now, get to work and do something!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

In the beginning...

Well here it is folks, my very own Blog. Finally, at long last, I am heard! ...and there's nothing ANYONE can do to stop me.
Let me be the first to say Thanks For Visiting. If you're reading this it's probably because you are looking for ways to improve your dull, boring, go nowhere life.
"Ouch" you say? Well, sorry. I am not going to be one of those people who tell you that you are perfect just the way God made you. Nope. The whole purpose of this Blog is to make you feel a little angry, a little sad and totally uncomfortable with the life you have created. That's right. YOU created. Your life is your own fault. Nobody forced you into the life you are living. You made the choices and the decisions that led you all the way to where you are now.
Just like me.
And let me be the first to clarify; I am not some Holier Than Thou, Self-Righteous, "I Have All The Answers And Therefore You Need Me", Motivational Talker. Nah-ah. I too am an individual on the quest for self improvement.
Not too long ago I realized my life is a mess and I am the only one who can fix it. Nobody else but me. Not my wife, not my parents, not my friends, not my kids, just me.
(Enter: A Personal Rant - believe it or not but there are people of the mindset that having a child will make them a better person. These people should NOT be allowed to reproduce.).

That being said, I took upon myself to figure out how to make those changes. Some financial, some mental, some physical and some spiritual. In other words, the whole package. You know what I discovered? A little thing called Common Sense. Maybe you've heard of this? I know it's rare but it does indeed exist in some areas of our society. I plan on making it my best friend. You should too.
If you came here thinking that you would find "The 7 secrets to success in life" or "The top ten ways to become rich", then sorry. You won't find that here. Take your search elsewhere.
And by the way, if you go to Amazon right now, and search Self Improvement, I guarantee that you if you add up every item with the descriptor of  "5steps..." or "8 reasons..." or "10 secrets..." or even "The 12 keys..." you will have quite literally, hundreds, if not thousands of steps, secrets and keys that you will be required to read in order to make any positive change in your life. Good luck. You better get busy reading.
On the other hand, if you are like me and you realize that the sole purpose for most of those books is to fill the authors' wallets as opposed to give out any real beneficial advice, then good job. There's hope for you (and ME), yet!
So here we go. Today we are doing something to make our tomorrow a little better. In wrapping up this first post and in an effort to hopefully bestow something worthwhile to you, consider this;
"Today I will do what others will not do, so tomorrow I can do what others cannot do."
I like that quote. Hope you do too.
Now turn off the computer, get off of your lazy butt and do something productive!
