Monday, July 11, 2011

The Steps In Between

Don't you just love it when inspiration meets simplification? If you're anything like me, then you practically LIVE for it!

It occurred to me after some good conversation with a friend of mine this afternoon that Success is not just getting from Point A to Point Z. Success is made up of all the steps that lie in between. Without the steps in between, all you have is a starting line and a finish line.

Marathons have a starting line and a finish line. The Indy 500 has a starting line and a finish line. Life has a starting line and a finish line. But it's the steps in between; it's the miles in between the starting and finishing line that make up the race. Just think about how boring it would be to watch the Olympics where the U.S. Team takes to the field and lines up for the 400m. The Runners get in their starting blocks and Blam! The gun goes off and the runners...stand there...? Looking down the track at the finish line...? Not a whole lot being accomplished in my opinion.

The same holds true in life. There's not a whole lot of accomplishment in just focusing on the Starting Point and Finish Point of your goals. You gotta walk the steps in between to actually achieve something. You need to focus on Step B through Step Y one step at a time.

In the world of Goal Setting you cannot reach a Goal if you do not take the steps in between. Success definitely requires a strong Start and an even stronger Finish, but it is absolutely impossible to achieve Success without the steps in between.

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