Friday, August 19, 2011


Many of us have stuff. Lots of stuff. Many of us have more stuff than we know what to do with. Yet, with all of this stuff, there is seldom a day that goes by that we don’t wish for more stuff; a bigger house; a newer car; another gadget (insert your toy of choice here_______.); a bigger TV; on and on and on it goes.

What is it with this desire to have more? Why do we keep wishing for more? To this I say, I am guilty. To be sure, I wouldn’t dare write out my thoughts on this subject without admitting that the very thought of this subject stems from my own experience and examples. I say it all too often, but it bears repeating; I am a student of life. Little of what I have to say is ever an attack on others’ behaviors and actions. Most of what I say is based on my own behaviors and actions. This one is no different.

When it comes to stuff, believe me, I have stuff. Stuff packed neatly in boxes with the notion “These are collector’s items. Can’t get rid of these!”. Stuff pushed into my nightstand because “I just need a day to go through it all.” Stuff in my closet that “I might wear this again someday.” Stuff in our Storage because “It’s sentimental.” I even have stuff in my sock drawers because “It’s easier to get at those things when I need them.”

Not a day goes by when I don’t find myself wanting more stuff. Whether it’s stuff to replace the stuff I already have, or just more stuff, I want it. I mean c’mon, who wouldn’t want a brand new iPad or a new 2011 Camaro? Just turn on your television at any given time and the commercials will assault you and entice you with their seductive ways, getting into your head and inspiring you to run out and whip out the plastic for some more stuff you really don’t need.

I mean, I really don’t need an iPad. I really don’t need a Camaro. Really, when it comes down to it I have more stuff than I will ever lay hands on and use, truth be told. I am ashamed to admit it, but I have a collection of movies that just sit on the shelf, unopened, collecting dust. Real good use of money there, right? ...well, maybe I can get around to watching those movies, but for now, they’re just taking up space...

In the wide-world of Tommy, there is this little thing I call balance. I love balance. Why? Because it keeps me centered. I mean what is balance really but finding the center and equally dispersing things to one side and the other? In my world of “stuff”, I am out of balance. I wouldn’t say I am completely out of whack and falling off to one side, but I would say that I have more than I need. But isn’t that true for most of us? Boil it down, and I guess when you talk about absolute necessities, we’re simply talking about Food, Clothing and Shelter. Toss in some Oxygen and Water and we’re golden. We can survive with those few things. But for those who would take such a rigid stance like this, once again, we’re out of balance.

While the necessities of life will always have their place, the wants in life also need their place. Our “stuff” needs a place where we can mess around with it and have some fun with it. Stuff needs a time and a place. It’s only when our stuff becomes more important than our necessities that we fall out of balance. I find that if my mindset is so focused on wanting stuff, I am cynical, envious and downright nasty. That selfish part of me rises up and rears it’s ugly head causing me to take out my frustrations of perceived lack onto the very people I love. Yuck! But when I sit my butt down and take a good look around me, I see that I have so much. “Count your blessings” is what I hear my folks telling me. Their words bounce around inside my head like an echo bouncing off a canyon wall. I begin to count my blessings and realize that I have too many blessings to count!

You see, the stickiest web we can get caught up in is the tendency to overlook and appreciate what we already have. All too often we focus on what we don’t have while all the good stuff we do have sits on a shelf collecting dust, just like those damned movies I have yet to watch.

What would happen if we all dug out our stuff and decided that if it hasn’t been touched in 3 months we put it away for another 3 months and revisit it? What would happen if we all dug out our stuff and said if it hasn’t been touched in 6 months it’s going to a Garage Sale? What would happen if we all dug out our stuff and said if it hasn’t been touched for over a year we gave it all to charity? Seriously, we all have stuff that falls into one of these categories but we just keep packing it away while we pile up new stuff on top of it all. Myself included.

I think it’s time to recognize how much we truly have. I think it’s time to appreciate everything we have. There’s a saying that goes something like this; “Before wanting what you don’t have, try wanting what you do have.” I mean, c’ this message new to you? I sincerely hope not! I keep telling you all that my philosophies are not new and they’re not handed down to me from the heavens as unique revelations. These are the lessons we have all heard (I hope) but it’s my job to remind you of it all.

Count your blessings and focus on what you already have. Don’t worry about the new stuff out there. Trust me on this, there will always be new stuff out there. In a month, that wickedly cool gadget that has you drooling for it, will be replaced with a new and improved gadget that will once again have you drooling. So let it go. Balance out your wants and your needs. Balance out the stuff you have and the stuff you don’t have. Appreciate what you have first and foremost and when the time comes around for you to get the new stuff, you will appreciate it so much more.

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