Sunday, March 27, 2011

In the beginning...

Well here it is folks, my very own Blog. Finally, at long last, I am heard! ...and there's nothing ANYONE can do to stop me.
Let me be the first to say Thanks For Visiting. If you're reading this it's probably because you are looking for ways to improve your dull, boring, go nowhere life.
"Ouch" you say? Well, sorry. I am not going to be one of those people who tell you that you are perfect just the way God made you. Nope. The whole purpose of this Blog is to make you feel a little angry, a little sad and totally uncomfortable with the life you have created. That's right. YOU created. Your life is your own fault. Nobody forced you into the life you are living. You made the choices and the decisions that led you all the way to where you are now.
Just like me.
And let me be the first to clarify; I am not some Holier Than Thou, Self-Righteous, "I Have All The Answers And Therefore You Need Me", Motivational Talker. Nah-ah. I too am an individual on the quest for self improvement.
Not too long ago I realized my life is a mess and I am the only one who can fix it. Nobody else but me. Not my wife, not my parents, not my friends, not my kids, just me.
(Enter: A Personal Rant - believe it or not but there are people of the mindset that having a child will make them a better person. These people should NOT be allowed to reproduce.).

That being said, I took upon myself to figure out how to make those changes. Some financial, some mental, some physical and some spiritual. In other words, the whole package. You know what I discovered? A little thing called Common Sense. Maybe you've heard of this? I know it's rare but it does indeed exist in some areas of our society. I plan on making it my best friend. You should too.
If you came here thinking that you would find "The 7 secrets to success in life" or "The top ten ways to become rich", then sorry. You won't find that here. Take your search elsewhere.
And by the way, if you go to Amazon right now, and search Self Improvement, I guarantee that you if you add up every item with the descriptor of  "5steps..." or "8 reasons..." or "10 secrets..." or even "The 12 keys..." you will have quite literally, hundreds, if not thousands of steps, secrets and keys that you will be required to read in order to make any positive change in your life. Good luck. You better get busy reading.
On the other hand, if you are like me and you realize that the sole purpose for most of those books is to fill the authors' wallets as opposed to give out any real beneficial advice, then good job. There's hope for you (and ME), yet!
So here we go. Today we are doing something to make our tomorrow a little better. In wrapping up this first post and in an effort to hopefully bestow something worthwhile to you, consider this;
"Today I will do what others will not do, so tomorrow I can do what others cannot do."
I like that quote. Hope you do too.
Now turn off the computer, get off of your lazy butt and do something productive!


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