Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Philosophically Speaking

I love it when I get asked “What’s your philosophy?” Many people would relish in the opportunity to go on and on about what they believe and why the rest of the world is wrong for believing otherwise. I prefer to keep my answer simple (which is part of my philosophy). When I answer this question in one short sentence, it usually leaves people guessing as to how a person can strip life down to such basic terms and still function in this great big complicated world we’ve created. (By the way, that’s sarcasm.)
So what is my philosophy? Work hard, take responsibility and keep it simple.
“That’s it?”
Yep. That’s it. Now there are a lot of people who would love to say “Um, hey, I knew this guy when he was more like ‘Be lazy, avoid responsibility and make things complicated.’”
 And they would be right. There was a time when that was how I lived. Not that I didn’t meet my obligations, but I did a lot of stupid things and made a lot of horrible choices. Many that have hurt others. Some that have alienated others. And a few that were just so awful I don’t even want bring them up. The past is the past and there is nothing I can do now except live with the results and consequences of my past choices and lack of responsibility. But not too long ago I realized I need to change. I need to be better. Know how I will achieve that? By working hard, taking responsibility and keeping things simple.
That’s my philosophy. The more you read from me the more you will see this mantra rearing itself through everything I talk about. In a day and age where Common Sense is something that exists in name only, I will bring everyday topics for daily living and improvement to the table and wrap it all up in personal responsibility and simplistic terms. I’m not going to solve every problem that exists and I’m not going to make you rich and famous. I will however get you a little riled up and a little agitated. You might even think I’m a jerk or a charlatan just trying to get people to follow me for my own glory and gain.
It doesn’t matter what you think of me and I’m not here to be your best buddy. I’m here because I saw the failures in my life and now I’m going to turn my downfalls into an upswing. If I can help anyone avoid some of the mistakes I’ve made then my purpose is fulfilled. I will be the guy to say it like it is and hopefully get you to rethink things in more simplistic, common sense terms.
Need an example? Trying to lose some weight? Go for walk and eat a little less than you normally do. Walking is great exercise, burns a lot of calories and doesn’t require a Gym Membership. Eating less is a good thing especially in light of the fact that the average American consumes approximately 3000 calories a day. That’s 500 more calories than required for a typical male and about 1200 more than is required for the typical female. Again, save some money and buy less food. You won’t starve to death.
Too simplistic? Then I challenge you to try this approach out for a month and jump on the scale. Tell me I’m wrong.
But that’s what I’m set on. Simple, common sense terms for all areas of daily living and with a little patience and little perseverance results will follow. I have already set my own agenda’s into motion and I’ve seen results in my own life. You can too.
So if you’re new to my world, welcome aboard! The more the merrier. Keep tuning in and I promise we can make changes for the better. Together. And maybe we can have a little fun along the way. But just remember one thing; I am not a motivational speaker, teacher or writer. I prefer “Instigational”. I want you to get uncomfortable and I want you to realize it doesn’t take a Bachelor’s Degree to be successful. All you need to be is determined.
Now get to work, take responsibility and for God’s sake, keep it simple.

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