Monday, March 28, 2011

What? Me Worry? - Common Sense For The Evening

"What you don't see with your eyes, don't invent with your tongue." - Jewish Proverb.
Worry. We all do it. And don't you just hate it when people tell you "Don't worry about it."?
As if they even have a clue as to what is weighing on your mind. But did you ever stop to think about your worries? I mean REALLY think about them? What is it that's got you so consumed with dread and fear that you can't eat, can't sleep, can't concentrate on anything? Is the object of your worry a real, tangible thing that you can grasp or is it nothing more than what you THINK will happen? I am willing to bet your worry is your perception of a POSSIBILITY that has not yet happened, and your lack of confidence in your ability to deal with the perceived situation.
Let's break it down even further; Websters definition of worry - "to afflict with mental distress or agitation : make anxious."
Why on earth would anyone want to afflict themselves with mental distress or agitation? Would you allow me to walk behind you all day long saying things like "You're never going to have enough money. You're always going to be a loser. You'll never meet someone who will ever love you. You'll never lose any weight. You'll never amount to anything." 
Your answer had better be a resounding NO! In fact the very thought of this scenario should make you say "That's ridiculous. No one would ever allow themselves to be treated that way."
Yet thousands of people go through their days worrying about things they cannot control, situations that haven't occurred, and things that are long gone into the past. So really, they might as well have someone breathing down their back all day because it's no different.
Now go back and re-read the little proverb I quoted at the top. 
When worry starts to creep in and take over your thoughts don't be the one to give it any power by speaking about it or dwelling on it. No, I am not saying you shouldn't reach for help when there is a legitimate problem that you need to face. In that circumstance you know I will be the first one to tell you take responsibility and the proper action to tackle the problem. I am talking about worry. Remember? The perceived threat or fear of something that has not yet happened? That's worry.
And I hate to break it to you but no one wants to hear it. If it's a legitimate problem, get some help, take responsibility and do something about it. If it's an irrational fear (AKA - worry) stop giving it power over your life and realize it for what it is. A perceived threat. Not a real threat. A perceived threat. And no one likes to be around a worry wart.
Let your imaginations be of credit to you. Turn your imaginations around and let them be creative and constructive as opposed to crippling and destructive.
"Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere."  - Glenn Turner
So there you have it. Now get over yourself and don't worry about it!

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