Friday, May 20, 2011


“Don’t have an opinion where you have no responsibility.” - Joyce Meyer
Opinions are everywhere. Some folks have an opinion on everything. Some folks will give their opinion whether you ask for it or not. Some people even get to make a living by offering their opinions. And if you’re reading this, guess what? You’re reading my opinion!
While I have no contention with opinion, I do take offense to the delivery and expression of them from time to time.
I say, if you want to create a platform for yourself so you can spew your every thought on every subject, go for it. This is America after all; freedom of speech is our Constitutional Right. If you can support your opinions, even better. But if all you want to do is throw your opinions around with the intent to discredit or degrade an opposing view, we will have a problem you and I.
I have seen conversations turn ugly real quick because someone lacked the ability to know when to shut up. Can you say diarrhea of the mouth?
I have seen friendships dissolve on account of someone who couldn’t keep their opinions to them self. I have heard opinions on matters that the person had absolutely no clue of what they were talking about.
I have seen people issuing their opinions in matters that have no bearing on them whatsoever. But the worst crime of all, the one time I might actually feel as though censorship might be a good thing, is the person whose “Opinion” is really just a mindless agreement to the Hot Topic of the moment.
Seriously, words fail me...
So when is it the right time to open your mouth and let everyone know what you think? Well, if it helps, I tend to believe that less is more. (but that’s just my opinion....)
I am not for censorship, so just stop right there if your were thinking I was going to go in that direction. I am simply saying that, if nothing more, realize that we have two ears and one mouth. Common Sense tells us we should be listening at LEAST twice as often as we are speaking. If you are someone who just loves to hear the sound of your own voice dominating every conversation, then it’s time to change up your game. I am all about listening to varying viewpoints and opinions, but please, before you start in, try this; ask me if I want to hear it.
Before I shoot my mouth off in discussions, I usually have a quick Q & A with myself to avoid wasting others time.
Is your opinion nothing more than an opportunity to bash the opposing view or does it come with respect for the differing mindset? Does your opinion consider both sides to the topic or is it a narrow-minded approach with no room for anyone else with a different experience? Is your opinion really necessary at that moment or are you over-estimating your importance? Do you have any responsibility to the topic? Is the topic in question something that will affect you personally in any way? Are you actively involved in improving the topics subject matter?
Answer these questions truthfully and you’ll see for yourself how easy it is to determine when it is a good and proper time to open your cake-hole.
So am I against opinions? No, not at all. I just happen to be of the mindset that not everything I think needs to be said. Not everything I believe needs to heard. And not everyone needs my influence.
Everyone knows how to speak their opinions but few know when to speak their opinion.

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