Friday, May 13, 2011

The Results Are In

Results. That’s what everyone wants. If you’re reading this or any other Self Help publication, there’s a strong likelihood that you are looking for results. Whether in your personal life, your business life, your relationships or even your finances, you are looking for results.
Let’s face it, results are everything. They’re the reason we do things. They’re the reason we try new things. They’re what motivate us and keep us coming back for more. Why would anyone take on a task, a job, a hobby or any other action if not to obtain the results promised therein? For example, no one takes up guitar lessons only to stop short and say, “That’s enough of that. If I keep this up I might be able to play this thing.”
No one starts a savings plan so they can say, “I don’t really want to earn any interest. I just wanted somewhere else to stash my money.”
Ridiculous, right?
But even more ridiculous in my opinion, is the person who says they want results but won’t do the work that is necessary.
“I want to be a millionaire but I don’t want a job. That will cut into my Oprah time.”
“I want to get in shape but exercise is too long and boring.”
“I want to have a great relationship with my family but do I really have to spend time with them?”
Etc., ad nauseum.
And then there’s the Instant Gratification syndrome. This one, by far, riles me up the most.
It’s the notion that anything and everything should be obtained NOW. Not later, not tomorrow, not next week. NOW.
This mentality has spread faster than a bad rash and has become the poster child for America’s Debt epidemic. When the average American of age carries a Credit Card debt of nearly $8000.00, do you think maybe, just maybe, we could benefit from learning how to set some money aside and save up for an item before purchasing it? Do you think a little patience could be in order?
Apparently not. It’s much easier to just whip out the plastic and go further into debt.
Instant gratification teaches us that if we don’t see results in a matter of minutes or even seconds, then forget it. Why bother?
Why cook a meal if you can nuke a frozen dinner in the microwave? Why learn a skill when there’s a virtual/video game equivalent? Why bother seeking a relationship when there’s a bajillion porn sites on the Internet?
Again I say, ridiculous.
When I started writing in the field of Self Help/Self Improvement, the first thing I thought was,
“Who’s gonna take my word? I’m not an expert.”
But then it occurred to me; who can really claim to be an expert? This is Self help. Not “Dr. Phil’s Help”, not “Dr. Laura’s Help”. Self help.
My job isn’t to be an expert. My job is to make you think. My job is to draw on observations and past experiences and get you to re-think what you’ve been doing and to consider doing things a little different.
You are the Self here, not me. And if it’s Self Help you are looking for, then I would dare say you want results.
But you know what? I can’t give you results. In fact, no one in this business can give you results.
The only person who can give you results is you.
You are the only person who can do the work necessary to achieve the results you want.
I can inspire you to do the work, but you have to be the one to do the work.
I will offer advice, I will motivate and I will sometimes humiliate, but I won’t do the work for you.
Nobody can. It has to be you.
You want better health? Asking someone else to eat healthy and exercise won’t get you in shape.
Want a better job? It won’t happen if someone else goes to the Interview for you.
So what’s holding you back? What are you waiting for?
Your results are directly proportionate to the effort you put in. Talk about it all you want but, but as the Good Book says, “Faith without works is dead.” You have to do in order to have.
So, do you have goals? Do you have a vision? That’s great! You are one step ahead of most. Now it’s time to take some action and move towards those goals. The results you want are there waiting for you to grab them. All you need to do is take one step at a time. Keep moving towards those goals and the results will fall into your lap.
This is about as basic as it gets. There are no shortcuts. There are no secrets. There aren’t “Seven Keys to Success” and there aren’t any Experts. There are a few good ideas but that’s about it.
Your results are waiting for you. The payoff can be as big or as small as you want. It’s entirely up to you.
“Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.” – George S. Patton.
Go on then. Surprise me.

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