Thursday, May 5, 2011

Politics - A Rant

When was the last time a political activist/enthusiast actually said something positive & encouraging & inspiring about their political beliefs and the candidates or party they endorse?
If it weren't for the endless dirt-digging, mud-slinging and bashing of the "other party", would they have anything to say at all?
I think of Jesus when he said; "Go and make disciples."
But could you imagine Jesus in this day and age?
"Ok, we gotta dig up some dirt on that Satan. My numbers are down so I'm going to need something to make him look really bad if I'm going to get folks to follow me."
Come on people, are we really that pathetic and insecure in our opinions that we think we can attract others to our "team" by tearing down the other guys?
For the life of me I just can't wrap my head around the mindset that says "When it comes to politics I know it all. Anyone with a differing viewpoint is an idiot. So there."
Is it so damn important to you to belittle another human being with a different life experience and belief? Are you forgetting that the very people you are endorsing are running to be elected into an office that was built upon the principles of protecting and serving the people? Yet, the way to get there is by trash talking and smearing their opponents?
Yeah, that's the kind of person I can trust. That's the kind of person I want working for me.
Oh, and for the religious, church-goin' folk who take up these tactics? An extra big Shame On You. What happened to the golden rule? Did it get changed to, "Love thy neighbor as thyself, unless they have opposing political viewpoints."?
And to the zealot who feels empowered by jumping on the Mud Slinging Bandwagon, understand this: you are incapable of formulating your own opinions. What gives me the right to say that? The fact that you are so quick to take the media's word and run with it without a second thought. As long as it sticks to what you want to believe. With a million different news sources available, do you really think that your source is the one that's telling the truth? The media reports it and you just can't wait to run to your little computer and Facebook it or Tweet it.
Let me ask you something; did it ever occur to you that as strongly as you feel about your beliefs, others might actually feel just as strong about theirs? Do you think that you hold the magic key to that person stopping in their tracks, listening to your opinions, slapping himself across the forehead and saying "Wow! You know what? After a lifetime of believing what I have believed, I now see the error of my ways! I'm such an idiot! You're right and I have been wrong all this time. Thank you for showing me the light."
Come on people. Do everyone a favor. Shut up. Keep your political views and opinions to yourself. Let the media report what it will but let the Polls be the place where you express your beliefs and opinions. Not Twitter. Not Facebook. The Polls.
And don't get on your high horse and say "This is America. I have every right to express my opinions!"
You're right. This is America and you do have that right. But just because it's a right, it doesn't make it right.
So zip it.
There, that's my rant. I'll wrap it up by asking you to remember what your mom used to say; "If you can't say anything good, then don't say anything at all."

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