Friday, May 6, 2011


"They say it's going to rain tomorrow." "They say gas prices are going to keep going up." "They need to legislate against this." "They need to do something about that."
They, they, they.
Will someone please tell me who THEY are???
How many times during the day do you hear "They" are the reason for all of our problems? Be it at work where it's their fault we're not paid enough, or at the store where it's their fault things are so expensive, all the way to our kids' schools where it's their fault why our children aren't getting a good education.
I got news for ya. THEY are you and me.
And if you didn't see that coming, then you haven't been listening to me that long, have you?
Well, let me introduce myself. Meet Tommy Wittig. Husband, Father of three and a former "They Sayer".
That's right. I used to blame everything wrong in my life on "Them", a.k.a., "They".
Our debt was their fault; when our car needed repairs, it was their fault; when the weather was lousy, it was because they were idiots and didn't know how to give an accurate forecast; and on and on it went.
Until one day I looked at myself in the mirror and said, "You dope. This is all your fault!"
You know what I did right then and there? What was that? I couldn't hear you...say that again?
That's right. I took responsibility.
Oh, there's that icky word again.
Now don't go saying, "But Tommy, I've heard it all before. Personal Responsibility, yadda, yadda, yadda..."
Let me tell you something; when I start seeing people actually taking responsibility, then I will stop talking about it. But until then, it's quite obvious that this is a message that bears repeating over and over and over again, until your output starts to line up with your input. Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled that people like yourself actually take the time to read articles based on Personal Responsibility but unless it starts to come through in your actions, all you're doing is giving speakers and writers like me, lip service. You say you agree with what I have to say but you fail to act on what I say.
You have to realize that you can no longer blame them for anything in your life. They didn't pick you up in a spaceship, erase your memory and plunk you down into a mess of a life and tell you to figure it out on your own. Nuh-uh. You did all the leg work. You made all the decisions and choices up til now. In fact you're going to keep on making decisions and choices for the rest of your life so how in the world can it be someone else's fault for where you wind up? That just doesn't make sense.
In the throes of our blaming Them for our failures and mistakes, if you really listen carefully, it comes down to this; "I just want someone to tell me what to do or do it for me so I don't have to be responsible for anything."
Isn't that sad? I mean, is that any way to live? Yuck. How can you possibly have any dignity if all you do is blame others for your lack of success and progress? How can you possibly have any success if all you want is for others to be responsible?
It goes hand in hand folks. Responsibility means you are willing to take the blame as well as the success. In fact, I firmly believe that it is a requirement to take blame on the road to success. I am not talking about doing anything that is dishonest or mean-spirited. I am talking about the fact that you will make mistakes no matter how honest and reputable you are. You are human. You make mistakes. That is why Personal Responsibility is so critical.
I wish I knew when this notion of perfectionism crept into our society because it has made a gigantic mess of things. People feel as though if they aren't perfect, then it must be someone else's fault. If they can't be perfect, why even try?
"Self-responsibility is the core quality of the fully mature, fully functioning, self-actualizing individual."-Brian Tracey
Is that you? Are you mature enough to take Responsibility for your words, your deeds and even your thoughts? Are you a functioning individual that can stand on your own two feet and walk and talk and think?
If so, then you really have no excuse. No one else is to blame for anything you think or say or do. You are your own Keeper. No matter where on earth you go, you cannot get away from you. That alone should tell you it is all your fault. Good or bad.
So the next time you are tempted to pin the blame on Them, better take good look at the paper trail. More often than not, it will indeed lead right up to where you are standing. And when that happens, simply take responsibility for your actions, and move on. The more you do, the less of Them you'll have to contend with.

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