Friday, April 22, 2011

Asleep At The Wheel

Ever had this happen to you? You're driving along in your car, it's a boring drive, you're tired from a long day and your eyes begin to feel roll down the window and let some fresh air in but it does little good.
Sleepy as you are, you're determined to just get to your destination. All of a sudden your head bobs forward and you feel as though you had dreamt the whole experience. Heart pounding, hands sweaty, and all of your senses in overdrive, you cant believe it but you had just fallen asleep at the wheel and thank God, you didn't get killed. Or worse yet, you didn't kill someone else.
Now some of you might not know what I'm talking about here but where I come from many of our highways and freeways have the "washboard shoulder". It's there for one reason. If you're driving along and you lose attention or nod off, as you veer off the road and onto the shoulder, the grated surface causes a whole lot of commotion and noise so as to shake you back to attention.
I hope you can see where I'm going with this.
For many of us, asleep at the wheel is not about driving. It's about day to day living.
It's about ruts, routines and all that stuff we do each and every day on Auto Pilot.
It's about all the things we take for granted, be it our jobs, our spouses, our health, even our very own lives.
Just the fact that we got up and out of bed today and were able to walk and talk and see and touch and hear and feel; all these things and more that we don't even give a nanosecond of thought to. This is what I call Asleep At The Wheel.
Are you asleep at the wheel? Are you on Auto Pilot more often than not?
If you got up today and went about doing the same thing you did yesterday, the day before that and the day before that there's a good chance you're on Auto Pilot.
When was the last time you thought about what you're doing?  Better yet, when was the last time you were AWARE of what you were doing? Better YET, when was the last time you were aware of YOURSELF?
When was the last time you were aware of others???
It all comes down to this: you say you want change in your life. You say you want more in your life. You want to earn more money, you want to be in better health, you want more free time,  you want to be better looking (for some of you anyway, you SHOULD be wanting this).
My point is this; when are you going to do something about it?
(okay, so it's more of a question than an actual point, but you get my drift).
As far as I can see you're so deeply entrenched in your ruts and routines, it would take an earthquake to break you loose.
Wake up!!
Does it really take driving off onto the shoulder to get your attention?
If you're not where you say you want to be then it's time to stop hitting the snooze bar and WAKE UP.
Create an awareness and an appreciation for everything that's good in your life (translation: count your blessings!).
Stop taking your life for granted and start taking actions that will improve your life. Learn something new every day, do something new everyday, keep your mind active and sharp. Turn off the Auto Pilot and fly manually.
No one ever did something of great significance while they were sleeping and neither will you.
Wake up!
You can sleep all you want when you're dead.

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