Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mountains = Small Stones

“The man who moved a mountain was the one who began carrying away small stones.” – Chinese Proverb.
You know something, I really like this quote. Why? Because it truly hearkens to so much of what I have come to believe. Every day I see so many examples of people who will never get what they say they want because they never get up and do something about it.
The point that I am trying to make is simple; if you say you want something, then start to do something.
Notice I didn’t say “If you say you want something, then you better make sure you get it done now or you’re a failure.”
Bear with me here and allow me to explain.
Moving a mountain is a great analogy to the successes we desire in our lives. Good health, great wealth, a loving spouse, well behaved children; these desires come about by making constant yet small investments.
I can prove it.
Want good health? An average, able bodied person who exercises 30 minutes a day will be healthier than one who does not. What’s 30 minutes out of your day? That’s 1/48th of your day. Get up a half hour earlier and there you go.
Want great wealth? An individual, who starts saving $60 a month at 20 years old, with a 5% interest rate, will have saved $121,272.42 when they are 65 years old.
Want to be rich while you’re still young? Well, since there are as many ways to be rich as there are millionaires, this one can only be summed up by saying “Do something each and every day.”
Take a step towards your goal each and every day and chances are you’ll get there. Small, consistent steps with unwavering focus will take you to where you want to be.
Want a loving spouse? Be willing to do for them what you would like them to do for you. Remember the Golden Rule? Well consider the fact that there are a lot more perks to this one when you’re married.
Want well behaved kids? Try spending time with them. Get interested in what they are interested in. Get them interested in what you’re interested in. Listen to them when they talk. Model the behavior and values you want them to exhibit. Doesn’t take a lot to show your kids right from wrong and as long as you are consistent each and every day, those small investments will pay off.
You know something? We can complicate our lives just as easily as we can achieve great success in our lives. Complicating things is nothing more than a consistent investment of negative influences, poor decisions and bad habits. Success is nothing more than consistent investments of positive influences, good decision making skills and good habits.
Small stones. Remember that. When things appear too large to handle, just remember small stones.
Pick one up. Carry it away. Repeat.

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