Saturday, April 16, 2011

Why And How

When we really, truly understand the "Why" to do something, the "How" to do something becomes insignificant. Case in point, the Doctor tells you you need to quit smoking. Although you've tried to quit time and time again, that thirty year old habit just never got broken. Now you have a whole new "Why" to quit smoking. You have emphysema. All of a sudden, "How" to quit smoking doesn't seem so tough anymore. You just do it.
Sad as it is we are a population that needs to have a "Come to Jesus" moment before we ever do something of a challenging manner.
You want to know what I think? Well you're reading this so your answer must be a "Yes."
I think we need to quit making excuses and do something as soon as a need arises. Better yet, before a need arises. We need to understand that we are always going to have a "To Do" list. Actually I think we need to ditch the "To Do" list and make it a "To Get Done" list. "To Do" leads to procrastination. "To Get Done" leads to get off your butt and get busy. But I digress.
Despite the severity of what needs to be done, we need to quit saying "I don't know how I am going to get that accomplished." We need to understand that the "Why" behind it is what matters. No matter how little or how big that "Why" is, the "Why" is the motivator. Not the "How". Getting hung up on the "How" only leads to putting things off because we feel like we aren't capable of achieving our goal. It also leads to excuses. And I hate excuses.
We can come up with a million reasons as to not being able to accomplish something but it's only after we recognize the "Why" of the matter that we ditch the excuses and get moving. Even if we don't know "How" to do something, so long as we do something, and keep going, the "How" usually surfaces and before you know it, we've accomplished the very thing we said we couldn't.

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