Thursday, April 21, 2011

Misery Loves Company

...but it hates being told to shut up and get over it!
We all have our problems. It's human nature to want everyone to know our problems. Deep down we want someone to tell us  that it's tough for everyone in this great big world.
We enjoy one-upping each other with our problems. "You think you have it bad?! That's nothing. Listen to this!"
We commiserate with one another, burying ourselves in a grave of depression together and yet in all our "venting", no one comes out any better for it. In fact we come out worse. Broken down, deflated and dejected.
Now don't get me wrong. There are many of us who have real problems and face these challenges day after day after day with seemingly no light at the end of the tunnel. I am not diminishing the reality or potential severity of your problems. I am however suggesting that we reconsider our methods of dealing with them.
What makes you think that the reverse-glorification of your problems will ever allow you to conquer them? What makes you think that by keeping company with others who do the same will allow you to ever achieve any kind of success in life?
When we gravitate toward others who love to excuse life's challenges by blaming it all on the cold, cruel world, we sabotage ourselves nearly to the point of no return.
But there is a better way. Many of you won't like this better way. Many of you will think I am an uncaring, heartless machine.
But that's not the case. Much like a hysterical person who needs to be slapped in order to "Snap out of it" so too do we need a proverbial slap when we are in the midst of our woeful rants.
That's where I come in. That's where I say "Get over yourself."
I didn't say "Get over IT."
I said "Get over YOURSELF."
"You self righteous jerk! What do you know about me and my problems?!"
Okay, you're right. What do I know? After all there is no way for me to really know all the specifics to everyone's troubles. But I do know this; problems never get better by throwing extravagant pity parties with others who simply have no desire to better themselves.
The company you keep will either bring you up or drag you down.
There's an old proverb that simply says, "You may know a man by the company he keeps."
So ask yourself; is it time for some new company?
Are your friends & family encouraging you to keep going in spite of your obstacles? Do they ever tell you to quit your whining? If not, then you need new company.
If your coworkers would rather have you join them in a gripe session about the latest company gossip rather than letting you get to work, you need new company.
If the people you know have always nodded and put their arms around you saying, "There, there. It's not your fault you're a mess," then you need new company!
I can guarantee you that the more you surround yourself with successful, goal oriented people, the more goal oriented and successful you will be. Just as misery loves company so too does success love company.
Negative people beget negative company. Positive people beget positive company.
In your quest for improvement I urge you to put this principal to the test. You will be amazed at how quickly things will begin to improve by simply following this one simple rule.
So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start making some new company!
You can thank me later.

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