Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Living In Spite Of Fear

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Always do what you are afraid to do."
To me that speaks to the very heart of how to reach your dreams and goals. Seldom do the things we really want in life come without some sort of resistance. Whether it's a confrontation with another person, taking a stand for something, promoting yourself, or having to set foot in unfamiliar settings, we all have to face fear one way or another on our path to success.
But as strong an emotion as fear is, it can only be as strong as you allow it to be. Feed it and it will become bigger and bigger. Starve it and it will become smaller and smaller. We feed our fears by dwelling on the worst-case scenario of a given situation. We starve our fears by dwelling on the best-case scenario of a given situation.
But there is one thing fear can never defeat and that is the person who has decided within them self to do what ever they need to do, afraid.
Sometimes situations arise and we have no choice but to go through them. Sometimes life demands from us when we are at our most vulnerable. No matter the situation, we will need to go through it afraid.
There are no sure-fire ways to completely remove fear from our lives. We will all have our fears until the day we die. It's just our nature. But fear doesn't have to be our master. As long as we are in control of our thoughts and our attitudes, we can decide the amount of power we will give to our fears and we can have a strong say in the outcomes of any situation.
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear" - Ambrose Redmoon
So what are you afraid of? What fears do you need to face in order to achieve your goals?
Do what you have to do - even if you have to do it afraid.

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