Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Never Quit

Yesterday I spoke of how to move mountains by carrying away small pieces at a time. The ability to stay focused and disciplined each and every day, by taking small yet consistent actions will ultimately lead to success in our endeavors. The ability to overcome our challenges and problems will always be easier when we break them down into small, manageable pieces and solve them one at a time.
But the one thing that all of us have to face on our path to success is the temptation to quit.
Now we all have a different idea of what success is in each of our lives. For some it's simply to get a better job. For others it's to be the founder and C.E.O. of a new multi-million dollar business. Maybe you want to lose 5 pounds in a month. Whatever your endeavor, whatever your goal, it will require discipline, focus and consistency. And yet these three traits will forever be at odds with the temptation to give up before reaching your goals.
You see the temptation to quit doesn't just show up and say "Hey, quit it!" Nope. It shows up real subtle-like and whispers in your ear, "You can sleep in. Go ahead and skip your morning exercise today. You deserve a break. It's just one day, no big deal, right?"
Wrong! That's when it happens. That spirit of quitting sneaks in and says "Take it easy today because you can make up for it tomorrow."
But "tomorrow" never comes. Oh sure, a new day begins, but that one day of ease, leads to two days and then three and then a week and then a month and before you know it, you have given up and given in. And you didn't even realize it until it was too late.
So now what? Well, first of all go and stand in front of the mirror and blame the idiot staring back at you because it's nobody's fault but theirs. Translation: it's your fault dummy.
Next, take responsibility for your lack of discipline, pick yourself up and get back on track. Don't waste your time with the "How could I have been so lazy? How could I have let this slide? How could I have been so stupid?" Get over your stupid self and move forward.
I like what Paul Harvey said. "Someday I hope to enjoy enough of what the world calls success so that someone will ask me, 'what's the secret of it?' I shall say simply this: 'I get up when I fall down.'"
Being successful doesn't require that we be special or gifted or unique people. It doesn't require any super powers. You don't need to be anything except who you are right now with a goal and the mindset to never quit.

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